For most of us, golf is about having fun. We can guarantee that you are not alone in thinking that there is a certain correlation between how well you play and how much fun you have. Training is thus about creating the conditions to have as much fun as possible out on the track.
Practise At Mölle
1 hour - 2 people - SEK 950
1 hour 3-8 people - SEK 1100
40 minutes - 1 person - SEK 750
20 minutes - Follow-up - SEK 390
5 hours +5 holes on the course - 1 person - SEK 3500
5 hours +5 holes on the course - 2 people - SEK 4,000
Beginner training
+46(0)42 34 75 20
Theme Courses
Close game course
We go through all the short strokes: pitch, putt, chip and bunker.
The course lasts three hours. You will get a full understanding of how to do it and tips on how to train further on your own. Bring all your equipment.
Price 650:-Max 9 participants.
Wood club course
We go through all the long shots with metalwoods and drifts.
The course will teach you how to hit long and straight. The course lasts one and a half hours. Bring at least one wedge in addition to your wooden clubs.
Price 500:-Max 6 participants
Half Day Practise
- 1 person SEK 2100
- 2 people SEK 2600
- 3 people SEK 3000
Junior Practice
På Mölle Gulfklubb vill vi satsa extra på våra juniorer. Vi bedriver träning för juniorer under större delen av säsongen men med extra mycket träningsmöjligheter under sommare. Vi har grupper för olika åldrar och förkunskaper. Alla är välkomna, från nybörjare till er som er mer erfarna.
Read more
Member training for all our members
The membership training replaces The 18th Club which we previously had. We will have three different training blocks during the year. Cost: SEK 975 per block Number of training opportunities: 10 per block. Registration and payment: Registration
Block 1
April - June
- 1 May 13.00-14.00 Pitch
- 4 May 17.00-18.00 Swing
- 10 May 17.00-18.00 Chip
- 18 May 17.00-18.00 Putt
- 22 May 13.00-14.00 Bunker
- 25 May 17.00-18.00 Pitch
- 31 May 18.00-20.00 Difficult situations on the course
- 4 June 13.00-14.00 Chip
- 7 June 18.00-20.00 Putt on the course
Block 2
June - July
- 14 June 14.00-15.00 Pitch
- 19 June 13.00-14.00 Swing
- 22 June 17.00-18.00 Chip
- 29 June 10.00-11.00 Pitch
- 4 July 17.00-18.00 Bunker
- 9 July 10.00-11.00 Pitch
- 15 July 18.00-20.00 Difficult situations on the course
- 18 July 14.00-15.00 Chip
- 20 July 18.00-20.00 Putt on the course
Block 3
July - September
- 2 August 17.00-18.00 Pitch
- 7 August 13.00-14.00 Swing
- 9 August 15.00-16.00 Chip
- 17 August 18.00-20.00 Difficult situations on the course
- 21 August 13.00-14.00 Putt
- 23 August 17.00- 18.00 Bunker
- 30 August 18.00-20.00 Putt on the green
- 3 September 13.00-14.00 Swing
- 9 September 10.00-11.00 Pitch
Junior Practise
Junior training and camp 2023
Junior Practice 2023
Cost SEK 1,400 for the entire season. 1000 range balls included.
Summer training 2023
Molle Junior Golf Camp 2023
During three intense and fantastically fun camp days, you will get lots of golf training and unforgettable camp memories together with the other participants and our talented and experienced leaders. The participants are divided into smaller groups according to age and handicap.
We play golf on the course every day and practice both bunker shots, pitch, chip, putting and of course the swing on the range. We finish with a raffling competition on the last day of the camp. All training is led by our experienced PGA PRO Johanna Pyk-Jargård together with the highly regarded leaders Gustav Hjort and Jacob Ludvigson.
During the Mölle Junior Golf Camp, there will also be an afternoon where you get to see other parts of Kullaberg and try different activities that Kullaberg has to offer.
Via our website starting next week and no later than May 31 Limited number of places
SEK 1,295 per participant Everything included in the program below is included
Day 1 - Thursday 16/6
09.00 Gathering outside the junior room
09.15 Activity
10.15 Ice cream
10.30 Golf practice
12.15 Lunch
1.15 Game 18 holes 1
7.30 End of day 1
Day 2 - Friday 17/6
09.00 Close game practice
10.30 Ice cream
10.45 Game on the course 9 holes
12.30 Lunch 13.00 Activity
17.00 Dinner
19.30 End of day 2
Day 3 - Saturday 18/6
09.00 Practice
10.00 Ice cream
10.15 Practice
11.00 Lunch
12.00 Competition 18 holes
16.30 Closing with prizes
17.00 Closing day 3
Summercamp 2023
10-12 July in week 28, our popular summer camp for juniors between 7-16 years is arranged. During the camp, you will get training in all the different types of golf, get to know new friends and, above all, have fun! The training takes place between 09:00 and 14:00. If you are a member of the club and have hcp, you have the opportunity to play on the court between 2:00-4:30 p.m.
The cost of the camp is SEK 950, which includes lunch and coffee every day.
Don't miss the chance to be part of this incredibly fun camp!
Molle Golf and Tennis Camp
Registration for the camp opens on April 1st, so mark the date in your calendar so you don't miss it.
Golf Trips And Lessons
Our Head Pro Johanna arranges golf trips and courses both within and outside of Sweden, often together with Håkan Svensson who is the Head Pro at Båstad GK. In the document below you can see planned trips and courses. The report is made to Johanna.
International Golf Trips
Greece Costa Navarino 11-18 Mars 2023
Portugal Sesimbra 25 Mars - 1 April - 2023
Spain Costa Ballena 8-15 April 2023
The Azores 1-8 October 2023
Golf School At Mölle 2023
Mölle 18-20 May 2023
Mölle 14-16 June 2023
Mölle 14-17 August 2023
Mölle 6-8 September 2023

Our Pros
Get to know our pros at the club. Marcus and Johanna are happy to talk to you!
2023 is Marcus' first season at Mölle. Marcus comes closest from Rya and its for before Malmö Burlöv Golfklubb.
Johanna has been a coach at Mölle since 1985. Johanna is a category 5 Pro (the highest category) in the PGA's ladder and has several special training courses. She has received various awards, including the PGA's Gold Mark and Barbro Montgomery's SGF leadership award.